I stink at updating this blog! As you can probably imagine, with moving (actually, moving twice...thanks current landlord) and work and life in general, I've completely neglected to post anything. But there is actually a lot to post/show.
Since my last post about our pre-construction meeting, which seems like so long ago, construction actually started! Exactly three weeks ago today, they broke ground and instead of having a pile of dirt we had a giant hole in the ground.
Kenny was out of town when they broke ground so I had to celebrate by myself. I can't even explain the excitement I felt when I drove up and saw that we no longer had a flat lot, but a giant hole instead. I FaceTimed with Kenny and then with my Dad and we sat there for about 30 minutes just watching them continue to work. I even got to meet our new neighbors while I was out there.
They started digging the hole for the foundation on a Thursday. I had visited the lot every single day that week hoping they would start and was disappointed every day until Thursday when I pulled up and saw this. Unfortunately, it rained really hard the next day and the hole was filled with water so they couldn't do anything else for a few days.
A few days later, they started to work on the beginning of the foundation and poured the concrete for the footer.
Things have moved along even farther than this and we're about a week away from scheduling our pre-drywall meeting. I'll save that for another post but I'll try to stay up to date from now on!