
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Framing and Plumbing

Our pre-drywall meeting is officially scheduled for Monday but that hasn't stopped us from going inside and taking a look around (more than once). I probably mentioned this before but our project manager told us at our pre-construction meeting that the windows were in we were free to go inside and look around. In fact, he encouraged it and told us to contact him if we noticed anything that didn't seem right. So far everything looks good.

Here are a few pictures from the first time we got to go inside.

As of yesterday, the plumbing was being completed. We now have a bathtub in the upstairs guest bathroom, a shower in the master bathroom, and water lines for the fridge, dishwasher, washer and dryer and whatever these things are called for where the toilets will go.

According to our PM, the plumbing should be finished up today, next will be electrical and then onto the insulation and the dry wall. We're about 60 days away from settlement and starting to countdown the days!

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