
Monday, May 1, 2017


It is kind of crazy how fast a house gets put together. I think from now on it's probably going to seem a lot slower because we can't see the progress from the outside. The last time I posted our hole for our foundation was completed and they had started to pour the footer. It's crazy how much has happened since then.Because I haven't been keeping up on my blog posts like I had originally planned and I'm trying to get caught up, I'm going to post a series of photos with dates because the amount of progress compared with the amount of time it's taken is kind of unbelievable.

April 7th - Foundation in progress

April 11th - Finishing up the foundation

April 14th - Preparing for the concrete to be poured and lumber was delivered

April 15th - Concrete was poured for the basement and garage

April 18th - Floor deck and starting the first floor walls

April 19th - First floor complete and starting the second floor
 April 20th - Finishing up the roof and starting the house wrap and insulation

 April 21st - Happy Birthday to me! - Garage and morning room roof are up

April 24th - Windows are going in and front porch roof is done

Since this point, the exterior has continued to look pretty much the same, except they put the shingles on the roof of the house and the garage. From now on as I'm sure you can imagine, most of the things that are changing are on the inside. It won't be as easy as just driving past to see the progress. But we did get to go inside for the first time this past weekend. That in itself deserves a whole separate blog post.

Last week, I got an email from our project manager saying that things were moving along right on schedule and he would be in touch with us soon to schedule our pre-drywall inspection.

I'll try my best to do a blog post on each step of the way from now on instead of lumping it all together. But I do think its kind of cool to see the progress in a series of pictures and see how quickly it's happened.

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